We are very pleased to be visited by the President, "said Riedl"
National soccer team coach Indonesia, Alfred Riedl expressed concern can be outside of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) will not be pressure for her own and foster children, in the semifinals to face the 2010 AFF Cup Glora Bung Karno Stadium, 16 December next, "The pressure was there myself, so that the President's request not to be depressed can be done, he said during the afternoon practice session after the national teams practice field yesterday.Arrival SBY according to Riedl actually drive the spirit of everyone in the team to prepare better and show better performance. "We are very pleased to be visited by the President, it shows greater attention on football," he said.
Neither captain revealed Word Utina national teams are not psychologically burdened because of tremendous public attention.
They are looking forward to Team Red and White can be a champion at the most prestigious football tournament in south east asia, the Word also assume that the visit of the President that as motivation to increase the spirit of Indonesia's National Team. the most important thing today is undergoing training to face partasi semifinals later. "We will perform my best and the best possible" he said.
Kami sangat senang bisa didatangi Presiden" Kata Riedl"
Pelatih tim sepak bola nasional Indonesia, Alfred Riedl menyatakan perhatian luar bisa dari Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudoyono (SBY) tak akan menjadi tekanan tersendiri baginya dan anak asuhnya, dalam menghadapi semifinal Piala AFF 2010 di stadion Glora Bung Karno, 16 desember mendatang, "Tekanan itu ada pada diri saya sendiri, sehingga permintaan Presiden agar jangan tertekan sudah bisa dilakukan, katanya saat seusai sesi latihan sore di lapangan latihan TimNas kemarin.
Kedatangan SBY menurut Riedl justru memacu semangat semua orang di Tim untuk melakukan persiapan lebih baik dan menunjukan prestasi yang lebih baik lagi. " Kami sangat senang bisa didatangi Presiden, itu menunjukan perhatian yang lebih besar pada sepak bola ," katanya.
Begitupula yang diungkapkan Kapten TimNas Firman Utina secara psikologis tidak terbebani lantaran perhatian masyarakat yang luar biasa.

Jumat pekan lalu hampir seribuan masyarakat jakarta mengelilingi pagar lapangan menyaksikan tim kesayangan mereka latihan di kompleks GBK.
Overview of power under the goalpost FilifinaIs a goalkeeper Neil Etheridge with 191 cm height is Chelsea Football Academy dropout who currently listed as the third goalkeeper Fulham.Etheridge regarded as equivalent opponent goalkeeper Markus Horison are Indonesia, Etheridge was one of eight players in the naturalization the Philippines to strengthen the squad.Before being a mainstay of the Philippine national team, Etheridge has become part of the England squad for U-16 in 2005, had refused to call the Philippine national team since they do not know his teammate and the language used but because of persuasion Phil Younghusband other players who are also naturalized Filipino big at the Academy Chelsea eventually Phil Etheridge is willing to strengthen his ancestral country.
Skilas kekuatan Filifina dibawah mistar
Adalah Neil Etheridge kiper dengan tinggi badan 191 cm ini adalah jebolan Akademi Sepakbola Chelsea yang saat ini tercatat sebagai kiper ketiga Fulham. Etheridge dianggap sebagai lawan sepadan kiper andalan Indonesia Markus Horison, Etheridge adalah salah satu dari delapan pemain yang di naturalisasi Filipina guna memperkuat timnas.
Sebelum menjadi andalan timnas Filipina, Etheridge pernah menjadi bagian dari skuad timnas Inggris U-16 pada tahun 2005, sempat menolak panggilan timnas Filipina karena merasa tidak mengenal rekan setim dan bahasa yang digunakan namun karena bujukan Phil Younghusband pemain naturalisasi Filipina lainnya yang juga besar di Akademi Chelsea akhirnya Phil Etheridge sudi memperkuat negara leluhurnya tersebut.
Prove your strength ... provide lessons for the Philippines team....