Wayne Rooney to Manchester United's hero, scoring the winning goal to the Rangers goal from the penalty spot. It took courage for taking kick it fitting 12.
The match against Rangers at Ibrox Park on Thursday (11/25/2010) pm dawn, is the first fight Rooney as a starter after recovering from injury, also - most importantly - after the fuss about his desire to move the quits with contract extension five years.
Facing the Rangers, Rooney picked some opportunities. That goal is already close to fruition in the first half when his header struck the crossbar that kept Rangers Allan McGregor.
But the spotlight for Rooney, of course, is its success in executing a penalty on 85 minutes after the violations committed by Steven Naismith to Fabio da Silva. Manchester United manager Sir Alex Ferguson said Rooney's brave because it takes execution.
"It took courage for Wayne to take the penalty kick," Ferguson's comments as reported by the official website of MU.
Rooney was to risk execution to take it. But its failure to break through at Rangers goalkeeper previous occasions plus a barrage of insults supporters do not shake the mental host the 25-year striker.
After the score, Rooney looks very expressive celebrations. With a satisfied face, Rooney ran to the edge of the field and head straight. Heavy burden on his shoulders like a loose hanging just like that. "It's not an easy game for him because he was throwing a few occasions.
Glasgow - Wayne Rooney berhasil mencetak gol pertamanya pasca comeback usai pemulihan cedera. Striker Manchester United itu berharap gol ke gawang Glasgow Rangers merupakan awal dari rentetan gol-nya.
Wayne Rooney menjadi pahlawan Manchester United dengan mencetak gol kemenangan ke gawang Glasgow Rangers dari titik penalti. Butuh keberanian buat mengambil sepakan 12 pas itu.
Laga melawan Rangers di Ibrox Park, Kamis (25/11/2010) dinihari WIB, adalah laga pertama Rooney sebagai starter usai sembuh dari cedera, juga --yang paling penting-- pasca ribut-ribut perihal keinginannya pindah yang disudahi dengan perpanjangan kontrak selama lima tahun.
Menghadapi Rangers, Rooney memetik beberapa peluang. Yang sudah nyaris berbuah gol adalah saat sundulannya di babak pertama membentur mistar gawang Rangers yang dijaga Allan McGregor.
Namun sorotan buat Rooney tentu saja adalah keberhasilannya mengeksekusi penalty di menit 85 setelah pelanggaran yang dilakukan Steven Naismith kepada Fabio da Silva. Manajer MU Sir Alex Ferguson menyebut Rooney pemberani karena mengambil eksekusi itu.
"Butuh keberanian buat Wayne mengambil tendangan penalti itu," komentar Ferguson seperti yang dilansir situs resmi MU.
Rooney memang mengambil risiko untuk mengambil eksekusi itu. Namun kegagalannya menjebol gawang Rangers di kesempatan-kesempatan sebelumnya plus cemoohan bertubi-tubi dari pendukung tuan rumah tidak menggoyahkan mental striker 25 tahun itu.
Usai mencetak gol, Rooney terlihat sangat ekspresif merayakannya. Dengan muka puas, Rooney berlari ke tepi lapangan dan rebahan. Beban berat yang menggantung di pundaknya bagai lepas begitu saja.
"Itu bukanlah pertandingan yang mudah buat dia karena dia sudah membuang beberapa kesempatan.
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