Red Devils lead Group C with a collection of 10. One more victory will get them closer to the next round. Matches between the two teams will be held in Bursa Ataturk Stadium on Wednesday (03/11/2010) pm dawn.
MU can not be considered representative of Turkey, the Turkish super champion last season despite currently stranded at the bottom position of group C league champions, Sir alex Ferguson must be vigilant to see their record in domestic league competition which is good enough, get 7 wins from 10 games 3 of them with a draw, "Green Crocodile" has never lost in the Turkish Super League this season.
MU is not believed to be playing half-half against the representative of Turkey is considering the experience to face Manchester United before the Turkish representatives, Besiktas, Galatasaray and Fenerbahce have ever made MU-game match face difficult teams to the Turkish representative
We'll wait if Manchester United are laden experiences will successfully brought three points and automatically qualified for the next round, or team representative of Turkey being ruled their domestic league with brilliant figures of successful acquisition provides resistance to the MU tight or even steal these figures from the British representative, "in football anything can happen ...
Setan Merah memimpin Grup C dengan koleksi nilai 10. Satu kemenangan lagi akan semakin mendekatkan mereka ke babak selanjutnya. Laga antara kedua tim akan dihelat di Bursa Ataturk Stadium, Rabu (3/11/2010) dinihari WIB.
MU tidak bisa menganggap wakil Turki ini, juara super Turki musim lalu meski saat ini terdampar di posisi terbawah group C liga champions, Sir alex Ferguson mesti waspada melihat catatan mereka di liga kompetisi domestik yang cukup baik, memperoleh 7 kemenangan dari 10 pertandingan 3 diantaranya dengan hasil imbang, "green crocodile" belum pernah kalah di Liga Super Turki Musim ini.
Diyakini MU tidak akan bermain setengah-setengah melawan wakil Turki tersebut mengingat pengalaman MU menghadapi wakil-wakil turki sebelumnya, Besiktas, Galatasaray dan Fenerbahce yang pernah membuat MU mengalami laga-laga sulit menghadapi tim-tim wakil Turki tersebut
Kita tunggu apakah Manchester United yang sarat pengalaman akan berhasil membawa tiga angka dan otomatis lolos ke putaran selanjutnya, ataukah Tim wakil Turki yang sedang merajai Liga Domestik mereka dengan perolehan angka gemilang yang berhasil memberikan perlawanan ketat bagi MU atau bahkan mencuri angka dari wakil Inggris tersebut, "dalam sepak bola apapun bisa terjadi.....